The search for a Viagra alternative is no longer limited to the traditional market. A growing number of herbal remedies and "natural" pills are gaining popularity. These alternatives range from erection tea to acupuncture. While these treatments may be effective,…
How to Heal a Broken or Stuck Ribs
The signs of a cracked rib are easily mistaken for other symptoms of bone trauma and the same can be said about the signs of bruised ribs. Unfortunately, this is usually a false perception and it is possible to…
Tubular Adenoma – What is It?
Tubular adenoma is an uncommon type of cancer that grows in the blood vessels around the anal opening. They are generally not harmful to the person who has them, but some forms of this cancer have already spread to other…
What Are the Components of Your Vestibular System?
The vestibular system in vertebrates is part of the internal ear. In vertebrates, it is the auditory system which provides the primary contribution to the sense of spatial orientation and balance for the purpose of maintaining equilibrium and coordination of…
Understanding Pain in Your Ankle
Ankle pain is often referred to as a "runner's high" Common reasons for ankle joint pain are sprains, strains, or injuries from running. In fact, arthritis, gout, arthritis of the knee, or any other type of arthritis can cause ankle…
What is CoCsackievirus?
Coxsackievirus is a class of viruses called "entamoeba" viruses. They cause an infection of the intestinal tract, the lungs, the brain, the heart and the kidneys. Coxsackievirus can cause serious illness, especially if untreated, but there are some effective treatments…
How to Determine the Times of Menstrual Period
The shedding of the uterus lining, or menstrual period, is called menstruation. The menstrual cycle is also called menses. The menstrual cycle is a natural part of female reproductive health. Menstruation is a normal indication that the female body is…
Arthrozene Side Effects
Many people use Arthrozane to treat their arthritic symptoms But many users also claim that Arthrozane can cause some serious side effects, which can further complicate the condition of the affected joints. Arthrozane has legit ingredient. It contains both…
A Guide to Knowing More About Jaundice in Pregnancy
It is generally accepted that the symptoms of Gilbert syndrome are manifested with jaundice and pallor of the skin. However, while jaundice of the skin can often be associated with pregnancy, such symptoms can also occur in people with a…
What Can Chiropractic Manipulation Do for Carotid Artery Stenosis?
Carotid endarterection is a surgery to remove a buildup of fat deposits (calcification) beneath a normal carotid arterial wall, which results in narrowing of an artery. If left untreated, a narrowed carotid arterial wall can affect the blood supply to…